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Quick Steps to Become a Great Automation Engineer

Quick Steps to Become a Great Automation Engineer

Before taking a scrum master certification course, it is necessary to be acquainted with the scrum framework. Regardless of your background or past experiences, learning every aspect of a new framework takes hard work, commitment, and time. Though scrum is a relatively simple framework, do not be fooled into thinking that becoming a scrum master is easy. The resources provided here will not only prepare you for a certification course, but will also help you prepare for a career as a scrum master. By taking the time to prepare for your certification course, you can help determine whether being a scrum master is the best career choice for you. The job of a scrum master is full of many responsibilities and difficulties. Understanding these responsibilities is the best way to decide whether scrum master training is the right choice for you. Being familiar with the terminology and philosophy behind the scrum framework is the best way to prepare for any certification course and is a decision that you won’t regret.

  1. Study the Scrum Guide

Even before beginning a scrum master certification, buying a copy of the Scrum Guide by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland is a great way to learn about the scrum framework. The Scrum Guide is the definitive authority on the scrum process. Written by the developers of the scrum, this book is a must read for any aspiring scrum master. Being familiar with scrum processes before taking an official course will help you throughout the course as well as after you have graduated. This is an especially important preparation step if you don’t have previous experience in the tech industry.

  1. Take the Scrum Open Assessment

The Scrum Open Assessment is a test designed to assess your basic knowledge of the scrum framework. This 30 question test is free and can be taken multiple times. The pool of questions is based on material found in the Scrum Guide. Your score on this assessment will not affect your certification in any way, so why not get some extra practice? Preparation is the key to success in a certification program, so learning basic knowledge of the scrum framework before taking a course is the best way to be prepared. Learning and improving your score will prepare you for any challenges that a scrum master certification course can offer.

  1. Read Scrum- A Pocket Guide

Scrum – A Pocket Guide is the perfect pocket-sized companion to prepare you for a certification course. Written by Gunther Verheyen, this book gives a concise description of all the rules and principles that scrum operates on. Not only is it a great book to read before beginning a certification course, but it will also assist you throughout the course as questions arise. Described by Ken Schwaber (co-founder of the scrum framework) as “the best available description of scrum”, this pocket guide will save you hours of studying time. It will introduce you to the methodology and convince you of the simplicity and effectiveness of the scrum framework.

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